Is Gerwyn Price Considering an Early Retirement from Darts?

Gerwyn Price

Gerwyn Price, the former world champion and once world number one, has been a force to be reckoned with since he traded his rugby boots for a set of darts. But could his incredible journey on the oche be nearing its end? Recent comments from Price suggest that his time in professional darts might be shorter than fans expected.

In a candid conversation with Online Darts during a recent exhibition, Price opened up about his shifting priorities.

"I'm sort of in the mindset now that, I'll turn up and play in whatever events I'm in and if I'm not in them, I don't care,"

- Gerwyn Price

With a focus shifting more towards his personal life, it seems that darts are no longer his top priority.

“I’ve built a platform, so to speak, for me just to do what I want,” Price shared. “If I fall outside the top 64 and finish darts tomorrow, I don’t care. I’m just going to start enjoying darts now, turn up when I want to turn up and when I have to turn up.”

Family life has taken center stage for ‘The Iceman,’ and he’s clear that this will be the focus moving forward. “In previous years, it was darts first and family life after, but that’s going to change now. It’s going to be family life first, darts after,” he explained, emphasizing that his main priority is now back at home.

Reflecting on his early career, Price acknowledged how his drive has evolved. “When I first started, I was eager, I wanted to win, I wanted to be in everything. Now, I’ve sort of done everything I’ve wanted to do and I don’t have that urgency anymore,” he continued.

With a successful business venture and smart investments under his belt, Price doesn’t feel the same financial pressure to compete as before. “I’ve invested well in property and built a good platform, so I don’t have to rely on darts for income. I turn up purely just to play,” he said, hinting that retirement could come sooner than fans might think.

At 38 years old, Price’s timeline for hanging up his darts is uncertain, but he hinted, “When I’m probably 45 years of age, so another six or seven years to go, that’s me done.”

As fans of Price, we’ll cherish the time he has left in the sport and look forward to seeing what the future holds for ‘The Iceman’—both on and off the oche.

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